Comic for 09-01-08

Oh macron, how I love thee.

Comic for 09-03-08

Some thoughts are best left unthunk.

Comic for 09-05-08

I hear it works!

Comic for 09-08-08

It’s all in the delivery.

Comic for 09-10-08

Well, I’m convinced.

Comic for 09-12-08

It does make them easier to remember.

I’ve revamped the site some! Everything should be working fine, but if you’re having browser issues or whatever, let me know.

Comic for 09-15-08

I dig the bluster.

Comic for 09-17-08

They’re really kinda magical.

Comic for 09-19-08

Q: How do pirates get dressed up? A: They put on blazARRs.

Comic for 09-22-08

They’re like Ents, only less copyright-infringy.

Comic for 09-24-08

There’s no ridge like Co’ridge (… but the comic really doesn’t have much to do with that).

Comic for 09-26-08

Some days, hands drive me crazy.

Comic for 09-29-08

If you don’t get the reference (or would like a hefty dose of nostalgia), here you go.