Comic for 09-29-10

A familiar face returns.

Edit: The “Comic” link seems to be working now. I tweaked some things to minimize the strain on the server. If you spot something broken, please let me know!

Comic for 09-27-10

Let’s see how this goes …

Comic for 09-24-10

I may have missed my calling.

Comic for 09-22-10

Y’know, when I came up with Monday’s comic, I didn’t realize that it would mean drawing a bunch of chopstick-holding hands for Wednesday’s.

Comic for 09-20-10

I am so pro with those.

Comic for 09-17-10

You gotta take your acceptance how you can get it.

Comic for 09-15-10

Every cloud, etc.

Comic for 09-13-10

He spent a little more time on personal grooming this time around.

Comic for 09-10-10

What they lack in historical accuracy, they make up for in enthusiasm.

Comic for 09-08-10

In his slightly-sticky house, he waits dreaming.

Comic for 09-06-10

Imma puttin’ the labor in Labor Day.

I’m guest blogging at ComixTalk this week! Which is weird, because I’m not-so-much the blogging type. But, I’ll do my best.

Comic for 09-03-10

Hey, those are cute, too.

Comic for 09-01-10

Ever stoic he remains.