Comic for 09-30-19

Sometimes you’re the painter, and sometimes you’re the tape.

Comic for 09-27-19

Sometimes, art is suffering.

Comic for 09-25-19

Probably, yeah.

Comic for 09-23-19

Rotating is most certainly not recommended.

Comic for 09-20-19

At least they’re comfortable.

Comic for 09-18-19

Always practice proper ventilation.

Comic for 09-16-19

You might call it a nope-ing mechanism.

Comic for 09-13-19

Oh, the humanity.

Comic for 09-11-19

Why, just the pomade costs alone …

Comic for 09-09-19

Coming up with roller derby names might just be my new hobby.

Comic for 09-06-19

Curiosity killed the personal productivity.

Comic for 09-04-19

Surely, not boring to everyone.

Comic for 09-02-19

Everyone needs a cool nickname.